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Leadership Training and Development

Our structured programmes provide leadership and management training for prospective, new and established managers, up to and including director level. We help you develop high performing leaders, who can anticipate, adapt to and address future challenges, and successfully move forward in their careers.

We focus on the essential core skills and tools needed to be an effective, confident leader. Choose from one of our three Leadership Training and Development programmes, each of which can be customised, depending on your needs.

Resilient Leadership Programme

Resilient Leadership Programme

New to Leadership Programme

New to Leadership Programme

Skilful Leadership Programme

Skilful Leadership Programme

Our Clients

There’s no one-size-fits-all leadership strategy

“Working with Janet and Jayne from Better People was great. They were friendly, enthusiastic and determined from the outset to understand our business so that their training could be as effective as possible.

They challenged us to make sure our objectives were clear and they delivered bespoke sessions, both in terms of format and content, that were thoughtful, effective and received really well across the business. The change in behaviour as a result of the training has been really marked and was a great way of developing our people.”

Joanne Evans, Partner, Myerson

Course Information

Resilient Leadership Programme

In this course, we introduce the key concepts relating to stress and wellbeing. 

Delegates are introduced to stress risk factors to identify potential sources of stress in their own teams.

We also introduce the Six Elements of Resilience model of wellbeing and discuss how this can be applied in the workplace.

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Format / Timing

A 3-hour interactive seminar with pre-work. Participants distribute a wellbeing questionnaire to their teams before the course and then receive results at the workshops for analysis and planning.

Who Should Attend?

Managers who want to promote greater resilience and sustainable high performance.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course participants will be able to:

  1. Explain how the Transactional Theory of Stress and Resilience (TTSR) applies to the workplace.
  2. Identify the early warning signs of stress in others and provide effective support.
  3. Describe the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Management Standards.
  4. Use their team stress report to identify stress risk factors in their own team.
  5. Describe the Six Elements model of wellbeing and identify ways to apply resilience solutions in their own team.

Course Information

New to Leadership Programme

Managing people and leading a team requires application of knowledge and skills. 

On this course we introduce the core skills of a leader and describe how they can be applied to help build successful teams.

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Format / Timing

One day tutor-led workshop.

Who Should Attend?

This course is for new managers, including those who aspire to senior leadership positions. The topics we cover are relevant to all industries.

Course Overview

This course is for people new to people management. We introduce the core skills of a manager. Topics include the most widely applied models of leadership such as John Adair’s Action-Centred Leadership and Ken Blanchard’s Situational Leadership. We describe practical skills for adapting your style according to the needs of team members and cover the organisational, legal and ethical requirements of leaders.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the difference between leadership, management and administration.
  2. Identify their preferred leadership style using a psychometric to identify their core leadership style.
  3. Describe key models of leadership and people management.
  4. Apply different approaches to managing people depending on the needs of the team.
  5. Understand the leadership skills required to ensure team involvement and achievement of objectives.

Course Contents

  • The difference between leadership, management and administration.
  • Making the transition from technical expert to people manager.
  • The impact of the organisation’s culture and values on leadership.
  • Identifying your preferred management style: Directive, Democratic or Delegative.
  • Understanding key leadership models:
    • Action-Centred Leadership: Task-Team-Individual (John Adair).
    • Situational Leadership: Directing-Coaching-Delegating-Supporting (Ken Blanchard).
  • Adapting your own style to meet the needs of your team.
  • Organisational, legal and ethical requirements on leadership demands.
  • How to establish a culture of professionalism, mutual trust, respect and support within your team.

Course Information

Skilful Leadership Programme

This course is for any line manager who wishes to refresh their core leadership skills. 

In this course we focus on refreshing the essential skills to equip any line leader.

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Format / Timing

1-day interactive seminar with pre-work. Participants complete a leadership styles questionnaire before the course and then receive results at the workshops for analysis and planning.

Who Should Attend?

Managers who want to stretch and refresh their leadership skills to promote higher performance.

What's covered?

This programme will refresh core skills as well as providing the latest updates in leadership skills training to enable established managers to feel on top of their game.

We can tailor each programme to your needs. For half day workshops, pick 1 topic for in-depth training or up to 3 for a refresher style approach. For full-day workshops, pick up to 4 topics for an update or 2 for in-depth training:

Choose From

  • Essential Coaching skills for leaders using the GROW model.
  • Better diagnosis and managing underperformance.
  • Giving better feedback, using strengths based feedback to enhance performance.
  • Leading wellbeing conversations to support mental health and resilience – equipping your team to thrive under pressure.
  • Better communication skills for leaders and teams : using the 'Radical Candor' model.
  • Leading better appraisal meetings.
  • Leading others through change.
  • Managing conflict with confidence.
  • Flexing your leadership style to others.
  • Negotiation skills training.
  • Building resilient teams – how to manage pressure in teams to ensure your team thrives under pressure.

About Us

We believe strong partnerships are key to success, and we work hard to understand your growth goals to build bespoke mentoring, coaching and development packages, based on your needs.

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